
2005-01-24 - 10:20 p.m.

You like the new look? Dan and I spent the evening together putting it together. Mostly he guided me through it. I held the mouse for about 90% of the time though and even used Photoshop! I am very afraid of this program as I can never do what I want to with it.

Don't bother with the Guestbook link though because I do not have it set up as of yet. I want a free guestbook but haven't been able to find a service yet. Also the Profile's link isn't running yet.

Nate has been sick for the past week which has made us around here pretty miserable too. I hate seeing him sick, but he is a real trooper! He still likes to play and will give you smiles even though he is feeling glum. He grew a new tooth last Wednesday. We name them as they come in. This one we named "Saber" as in Saber Tooth. It is kinda a running joke he has: Fang, Stubbsy, Ginsieu, Chip, Chopper, and one we can't remember (but it is written in his baby book). We are kinda running out of names.

Work is a wreck right now because we are taking the MEAP. God bless George Bush for making such a tortured, high-stress, and high-stakes event like taking a test a measure of my worth as a teacher. No Child Left Behind my ass-- no child left untested!

Just thought I should add an entry to go with the new decor. Ciao!